Bachelor's programs

The Business School Pforzheim offers a degree in Business Administration with 13 specialisations and a degree in Business Law. Our offer is characterised by the combination of science and practice. Bachelor studies at Business School Pforzheim are based on the Pforzheim Model. This is characterised by a 70:30 proportion of course content.

Approximately 70% of the courses are identical in all business administration specialisations (e.g. general business administration, economics, law and quantitative methods). 30% of the lecture time is reserved for teaching the contents of the specialisation, not evenly distributed over the entire study period, but concentrated in the higher semesters.

The Business Law program combines legal and business subjects - in a combination that is unique in Germany. Here, about 70% of the courses deal with legal basics. 30% of the lecture time is reserved for basic business studies. In the course of the program, the proportion of basic and advanced legal subjects as well as specialisation subjects continues to increase.

This model offers a broad and at the same time in-depth professional education that is clearly oriented towards the labour market. The broad basic education enables diverse careers even beyond the original specialisation in the degree program.

In the Bachelor's programs, the standard period of study is seven semesters. Students acquire the title Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Business Administration or Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) Business Law.

Bachelor's programs (Business Administration & Business Law)



partner universities in 39 countries

Business Administration degree specializations

Our Bachelor's programs and specialisations

To better prepare you for the business world, you will complete courses also in English. Good English language skills are therefore a basic requirement! We mandatorily require at least B2 proficiency by the end of the first phase of your studies, you should have achieved at least 11 points / "Good" in English.

You will come into contact with mathematics and statistics at various points during your studies, so prior knowledge is an advantage. You should have achieved at least 10 points / "Good" in mathematics.

We expect all students to be interested in spending a semester abroad. In some degree programs, a semester abroad are even compulsory. For this purpose, study places are available at partner universities all over the world.

The application process of the International Business Program partially differs from that of other bachelor programs. If you are interested in this program, please follow the the link to International Business.

Our StudiCenter will be happy to answer any other general questions you may have about the application process, including the topic of "studying without an Abitur" or "studying with a foreign Abitur". If you have questions about a specific degree program, the program you are interested in will be happy to provide you with help and advice.