Your Career
Our professors are your coaches, not your instructors. You will benefit from individual mentoring from professors throughout your studies. Our small course size encourages intense student-faculty interaction which is crucial to achieve the best outcome from your MBA studies.


Get Business Insight
Being surrounded by some of the world’s most powerful companies allows you to benefit from the potential of the Pforzheim-Stuttgart region. We cooperate with various companies in different sectors through company projects, company visits and guest speakers in classroom. These close connections to practice are a vital part of our management education in Pforzheim.


Enhance Your Career Opportunities
The Pforzheim MBA opens broad new opportunities for career development. Whether you want to tackle new challenges, have experienced a slowdown in your learning curve or are unable to move ahead in your current company, the Pforzheim MBA enables you to reenergize your career with new knowledge and skills, a new professional network, and a new brand association. If you have a non-business background, the Pforzheim MBA prepares you to reorient your career towards business and management.


Where our graduates from recent MBA classes work (selected companies)

A | Accenture, Allianz Consulting, Amazon, A.T. Kearney, Atlas Copco, Avantalion Consulting
B | Bayer, BASF, Berenberg Bank, Böhringer-Ingelheim, Bombardier, Bosch
C | Continental
D | Daimler AG, DHL Consulting
E | E.on, Ernst & Young, Essity
F | Festo, FDM Group
G | Goodyear
H | Häfele, Hama, Hartmann, Henkel, Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart, HSBC
I | Innoplexus, 1&1 IONOS
L | Leadvise
M | MAHLE, MC G Consulting, Munich Re
N | NKT, Nokia Solutions and Networks
O | Oracle
P | Porsche, Puma, PwC
R | Rutronic
S | Sandoz, Siemens, SAP
T | Tesla, Toyota, Trivago
V | Valeo, Vorwerk


Facts & Figures

Average Annual Income after Graduation

Average annual income of MBA Alumni in the year 2020, in time after graduation

Source: Alumni Survey 2020

Functional areas in which our MBA Alumni work

Source: MBA Alumni Survey 2020, 123 replies


During the winter semester 2020/21 the MBA International Management program at Pforzheim University conducted a survey of its alumni to assess their perception of relevant aspects of their experiences during their MBA studies and to explore their career paths after graduation.
The survey covers alumni from the last 25 years. Since Pforzheim University was the first public university in Germany to grant a MBA degree our program looks back on a long tradition of teaching and educating young professionals willing to take up the challenge and to advance their careers.
The survey, that is conducted every five years, is not only an important source for the MBA program for adapting study terms to the needs of our students and as a means of quality development and insurance. The survey is also intended for those interested in the program and for prospective students to give them a better idea of what to expect and gain when doing their MBA at Pforzheim University.
That the MBA meets the quality requirements is shown by a total of 92 % alumni who see their personal expectations about the MBA fulfilled and were very satisfied with their studies. 87 % would recommend the MBA International Management to a friend who is in the same position as they were before their studies. Since each year only a maximum of 25 students is admitted to the program, the MBA has a great student-faculty ratio that allows the professors to interact and to concentrate on individual students. This is confirmed by 85% alumni who consider the atmosphere in the MBA program to be very personal.
Unlike other programs the MBA International Management does not only focus on a classical management education but is supplemented by Innovation Management, Sustainable Globalization and Digital Transformation as well as on soft skills which grow more and more important in today´s business world. This is reflected by 85% alumni that are very satisfied with the training in critical thinking and who confirm that the soft skills acquired in the program are an integral part of their daily work routine.
In a globalized world the interaction in multicultural teams is growing ever more important. Internationalization is a main topic at Pforzheim University and especially in the MBA International Management program where there are students from up to ten different nations in one batch. No wonder that 94 % alumni praise the teamwork in multicultural teams during their studies which they consider to be a valuable preparation for their future jobs.
The survey also found that 86% alumni - of which many switched their careers to a different industry after their graduation - think that the MBA prepared them well for their future jobs. The MBA degree from Pforzheim University is also seen as a door opener to starting a new career in Germany or Europe. This is confirmed by 74% alumni who were able to build up a professional German network during their studies from scratch and settle in Germany or Europe after their graduation. The good connections to the industry and corporate world are confirmed by the fact that 45 % alumni had a permanent employment contract even before their graduation from the MBA.
The findings of the survey also show that doing a MBA degree is not only a promising opportunity to advance the career but also a great way to increase one´s average income. Depending on their country of origin the starting salary for most of the MBA graduates is with 25% to over 60 % remarkably higher than the salary in their pre-MBA jobs and it more than doubles over a period of 15 – 25 years after graduation.


“A wonderful, enriching and fulfilling experience. I got to interact with an international crowd, learn from industry leaders and gain practical experience via working student positions and company projects.”

“The MBA International Management at Pforzheim University offered me many opportunities to grow.”

“Very international environment and good exposure to opportunities via company visits. Very supportive professors.”

“We worked as a tight knit group. Very close interaction with professors. Also the two-year program gives you enough time to socialize outside of class, learn German and integrate into German culture before starting your first job!”

“Great mix of rigorous studies and support for individual growth.”

“The cultural diversity is amazing as it helps a lot to understand different approaches and perspectives. Professors are extremely helpful and approachable. By far have the best memories while studying here.”

“Excellent educational framework, customized to your needs, very warm, professional.”

“Good network of partner universities.”

“The stakeholder management, organization, and analytical thinking is something that I best-got trained at Hochschule Pforzheim and I use it almost daily in my work or personal life. A big thanks to all the professors and the MBA team to make me what I am today! :)”

Text: MBA
Data: taken from MBA Alumni Survey winter semester 2020/21



Management and interpersonal skills courses
Courses such as project management, intercultural communication, presentation and negotiation skills are offered throughout the program in order to help students develop both hard and soft skills and succeed in the global market.


Practical help: CV-Training, Interview Training
We bring experts to Campus to help students properly show their talents both in their resumés and in job interviews.


Alumni network, CampusX
Visits by Alumni and companies both on campus and in classroom are organized so that our students are in direct contact with the labor market.


Mentoring Program
Mentoring is a reliable and efficient instrument of guidance and support for our current MBA students that are matched with one of our MBA Alumni. The Mentoring Program stands for an intensive, challenging and mutually rewarding relationship of trust, concentrating on the mentee’s development of personal, social and professional competencies.
Get more info about our Mentoring Program here


German language
Courses of the German language are offered throughout the length of the program so that our students can easily integrate in the German job market.


Company experience
We bring students in touch with more than 30 companies throughout their studies in various forms, both inside and outside of the classroom.


Company Projects
During the third semester students may choose to participate in a company project. In 2022/23, for example, our MBA students worked in future oriented projects with Bosch, Francotyp Postalia and attempto.
Get more info about this year´s company projects here