Business PF

International Study Program | ISP

> Opportunity for incoming exchange students to gain practical experience in a company in Germany


Robert, USA, ISP study semester & practical term
“I liked my experience at Pforzheim Business School to none other. Not only is the faculty excellent and the classes informative and interesting, but also I made valuable connections that have opened great opportunities for me in my career – including an internship semester at one of Germany’s strongest global enterprises.”

Facts & Options

  • Pforzheim University is located between Stuttgart and Karlsruhe in the state of Baden-Württemberg, Germany, which is Germany's most innovative region.

  • Well over 1000 students of Pforzheim University spend one semester in a company every year. All of these mandatory internships of minimum 100 working days are supervised by our university and are an essential part of our bachelor curricula. During the internships, our students are not taking courses.

  • More than half of all students write their mandatory final thesis in cooperation with a company.

  • 70+ companies are actively recruiting on campus every semester.


+++ More and more international exchange students from our partner universities add a practical term* in Germany to their study abroad period at our school. Pforzheim University’s International Study Program is appreciating and supporting this development +++

  • The ISP management will provide information and documents for all interested exchange students from our partner universities at the beginning of the study semester at our school.

  • Our Career Center colleagues provide detailed information on how to apply for internships in Germany and support our international students in preparing their application documents.

  • The Career Center is running a database with internship – as well as thesis and job – options in Germany for students, being enrolled at our school.

  • Validation into the ISP record: International exchange students at Pforzheim University, enrolled in the ISP, will be allocated 30 ECTS credits for a successfully completed practical term into their ISP record.

Formal legal frame: the practical term for our incoming exchange students in the ISP frame is always voluntary – and based on beforehand approval of their home universities. Duration: minimum 100 full-time working days. On demand: 60 full-time working days (15 ECTS credits)



* On formal legal reasons, we use “practical term” for the one semester full time voluntary practical experience of our exchange students versus the mandatory ”internship semester” for degree seeking students at our school.