Business PF

International Study Program | ISP

Information for incoming bachelor exchange students from our partner universities

> Business courses in French, Spanish & German


Course ID Course title Language ECTS-Credits Winter Semester 24_25
IBU2141 Business Plan - Plan d'entreprise French 7 offered
IBU4090 Dossier d'Études French 5 offered
SIC1105 Cross Cultural Competencies French 2 offered
IBU2091 L' économie, les institutions, la société et le monde du travail en France French 6 offered
IBU2142 Business Plan - Plan de negocio Spanish 7 offered
IBU4090 Estudios Individuales Spanish 5 offered
SIC1106 Cross Cultural Competencies Spanish 2 offered
IBU2092 Economía, instituciones, sociedad y el mundo laboral en países hispanohablantes Spanish 6 offered

tbc = to be confirmed

last update July 23, 2024/uh

You are interested in taking business courses in German? - Highly appreciated!

Please find an overview on all bachelor programs

  • of the business school here, the subsequent course descriptions in the module handbooks (“Modulhandbuch") on our German Website here,
    -> "Bachelor-Studiengänge SPO2019"
  • of the industrial engineering bachelor programs here.


Organizational information for students taking business courses in German:

  • To participate in these classes, students should have mastered at least German Level B2 according
    Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) (proved by tests e.g.:  the TestDaF-Institute’s “TestDaF B2” or
    the Goethe-Institute’s „Zertifikat Deutsch für den Beruf“)

  • You will most probably have covered semester 1 and 2 classes at your home university.

  • Semester 5 is our internship semester, semester 7 classes are not accessible for exchange students due to an intensive block format.

  • Therefore, relevant courses are allocated in the semesters 3, 4 and 6 of the mentioned bachelor programs.