Meet the Digital Business Management and Business Information Systems team

The Bachelor's program Digital Business Management (B. Sc.) is taught by experienced professors who know their subject from practical experience and are active in research. Selected courses, especially practice-oriented courses and skills-based workshops, are taught by qualified experts from companies and institutes, usually with a PhD and several years of professional experience.

The team is complemented by lecturers who are willing to offer our students exciting lectures, seminars and project work in addition to their work in business.


Prof. Dr. Thomas Schuster

Prof. Dr. Thomas Schuster

Professor of Databases and Software Engineering

Thomas Schuster is Professor of Database and Software Engineering. He is associated to the field of Digital Business Management and Information Systems at the Faculty of Economics and Law. He is Program Director of the BBA /Digital Business Management programme. He is a lecturer in a number of master classes. He is also a lecturer at the AHP - Akademie der Hochschule Pforzheim and the HECTOR School of Engineering & Management at KIT.

In addition to serving as the director of the FutureLAB, he also serves as the scientific coordinator for the joint project KI Lab (between Wirtschaftsförderung Nordschwarzwald GmbH and Pforzheim University). He is the campus IT's scientific coordinator at Pforzheim University (central IT department). His research interests encompass software engineering, technology enhanced data protection, and sustainability of cloud applications.

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Prof. Dr. Mario Boßlau

Prof. Dr. Mario Boßlau

Professor of Digital Business Management

Mario Boßlau has been a professor of Digital Business Management since the summer semester of 2024. He is the Program Director of the Master's program in Digital Business Management (M.Sc.) at the Business School and represents his interdisciplinary field of expertise in various undergraduate and graduate programs at the Business School.

Mario Boßlau is an industrial engineer with specializations in business model development, innovation and technology management, as well as digital transformation. His professional domain encompasses the interface between business and technology. In research, he was head of the lifecycle project area in the DFG Collaborative Research Center Transregio 29 "Engineering of Industrial Product-Service Systems" for several years. As an expert for smart business models, he has received national and international awards. Among others, he is the recipient of the 2016 Gert von Kortzfleisch Award for his research activities in the field of dynamic business model development and System Dynamics. 

In addition, he can draw on several years of experience in responsible positions in practice in innovation management in the automotive industry and the energy sector. Furthermore, he worked in the management of an industrial service company. He very much enjoys dealing with people and imparting knowledge. That is why he has also been active for many years as a lecturer at various state colleges and universities.

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Prof. Dr. Frank Morelli

Prof. Dr. Frank Morelli

Professor of Business Informatics with a focus on organisation and application systems in accounting

Frank Morelli is Professor of Information Systems — Management & IT at Pforzheim University. In addition to his teaching activities, he is involved in practical and research projects from the fields of business process management, business intelligence, SAP S/4HANA, project management and IT organization. He also acts as a lecturer for the Master of Science Information Systems (MIS) program as well as for the Bachelor’s programs “Business Information Systems" and “Digital Business Management”. He is also the liaison for the SAP University Alliances Program and has co-authored various teaching materials in this area.

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Prof. Dr. Stephan Thesmann

Prof. Dr. Stephan Thesmann

Professor of Business Informatics with a focus on multimedia application systems

Stephan Thesmann is Professor of Business Information Systems at Pforzheim University. After having graduated in business administration, Stephan Thesmann worked, during his doctorate, at the Bavarian Research Center for Knowledge-Based Systems, followed by a position in the software industry. Since 1998, he has been Professor of Business Information Systems teaching in Bachelor and Master courses at Pforzheim University. He was also a visiting professor at the France Business School (ESC Clermont Graduate School of Business) for several years.

Together with his colleagues, in particular Frank Morelli and Matthias Kropp, he has developed and implemented the international study program Digital Enterprise Management and was its founding dean from winter semester 2016 to summer semester 2019. In addition to his teaching activities, he is involved in research and practical projects related to the business use of the Internet in companies and universities, such as Internet-based business process optimization, human-computer interaction, user experience, SEO/SEM, and the accreditation and quality assurance of study programs.

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Academic Staff

Andreas Schneider, B.Sc.

Andreas Schneider, B.Sc.

Research Assistant

Andreas Schneider is a research assistant associated to the field of Digital Business Management at Pforzheim University. He is the contact person for questions regarding the content of the Bachelor's and Master's programme in Digital Business Management. In addition to teaching undergraduate courses in programming and algorithms & data structures, he also lectures on the Internet of Things at the Württembergische VWA.

Phone: +49 7231 28 6500

E-Mail: andreas.schneider(at)hs-pforzheim(dot)de

Room: W2.2.23

Marie-Claire Hefler

Marie-Claire Hefler

Program Assistant

Marie-Claire Hefler is contact person for questions regarding general questions and admission of the Bachelor's programme in Digital Business Management.

E-Mail: dbm(at)hs-pforzheim(dot)de

Room: W2.4.33