General Business Administration

The Department of General Business Administration teaches the basic knowledge of entrepreneurial thought and action, which is necessary for every business economist and commercial lawyer. With the gained equipment you have a sound basis, which even enables you to enter work areas that do not correspond to your course of study.

Curriculum and courses

Regardless of which specialization you choose: the General Business Administration department accompanies you throughout your entire study period and thus offers you a strong basis for your subject-specific education.

In the first two semesters you will gain insights into the broad spectrum of General Business Administration, get to know relevant functions and decisions as well as the basics of Accounting. In the third and fourth semester, you will expand your business management basis with content on Cost Accounting and Financial Management. And last but not least, you will be able to apply what you have learned so far in a business simulation, deepen your knowledge of individual industries and shed light on questions of Strategic Management in the last two semesters.

Our courses are organised in a cross-curricular manner and offer you not only an interesting interdisciplinary view, but also a wide range of formats - from classic lectures to seminars and exercises to business simulations.