Welcome Erstsemester Business PF

Welcome to the Business School Pforzheim

Introducing our Welcome Guide

Dear new students,

Welcome to the Business School Pforzheim. We are happy to have you here on campus and would like to introduce our Welcome Guide to you. We have prepared a list of essentials for a successful start to your studies, for both Bachelor's and Master's degree first-year students. Our Welcome Guide for freshmen is meant to give you an overview of our campus, introductory courses and more. Would you like to explore the university and Pforzheim with your future fellow students before the semester has even started? The O-Phase, designed especially for first-year students, offers just the right events. For detailed information and current dates, please follow the respective links. For the time being, some links may only be available in German.

We look forward to growing and learning with you and to accompanying you on your way as a freshman at Business School Pforzheim.

Visa Application

For the visa application via the German Embassy candidates may need 

  • a “Letter of Acceptance” from Pforzheim University
  • an official statement how costs of living in Germany will be covered 

For all questions concerning the visa please contact the German Embassy or Consulate in your home country directly. 

Members of the following countries are allowed to enter Germany without a visa: 

  • all countries of the European Union
  • all countries within EFTA (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland)
  • some countries can apply for a visa in Germany within the first 90 days after arrival

Find an overview of visa requirements/exemptions for entry into the Federal Republic of Germany.

Travel Insurance

For the duration of your travel to Germany and your first days here, taking out a travel insurance policy is recommended. Your home institution might be able to assist you in choosing a travel insurance provider.

Campus Business School Pforzheim
Eingang Business School Pforzheim
Campusplan Business PF Campus Tiefenbronner Straße 65, 75175 Pforzheim

Getting there

The easiest way to get to campus is by bus ("Linie 5"). This bus will take you from the city center to the school at Tiefenbronner Straße 65 (stop Hochschule/Wildpark) in less than 20 minutes.

If you travel by car, you will find a limited number of parking spots close to the university. Please make sure to keep the fire department access roads clear. You may also use the P2 and P3 parking lots of the animal park close by (Wildpark) free of charge Mondays through Fridays during the lecture period. Please note that before the start of the lecture period and after the exam period, parking there is subject to a fee.

You are also welcome to use the university's carpooling app, which is only accessible to university members. If you log in with the access data of your university account, you can both search for a ride or offer a ride as a driver.

Please refer to the tab „train tickets“ below for more information on discounted public transportation tickets.


Getting Around

Our central campus consists of four buildings of the Business School (Department of Business and Law), which are easily accessible so that you can easily find your way around. The Business School's lectures are mainly held in the buildings W1, W3 and W4. The W2 building houses three large lecture halls and several laboratories/computer pools. The Institute for Foreign Languages is also located there. Large events and interdisciplinary lectures are held in the Audimax (inside the glassed-in library building Z2). The campus also offers dedicated study areas for individual research, group work, or for taking breaks. Take a virtual look around campus with our 360-degree tour.

SIC program for Bachelor‘s students (mandatory)

The SIC program serves to promote social, methodological and intercultural competencies, also known as soft skills, which are indispensable in today's professional world. It includes initial key information sessions, training in communication and teamwork, a business simulation game, as well as an English placement test and a math orientation test.


SIC program for Master‘s students (paid or ECTS)

Master‘s students can participate in the SIC program as tutors. We offer you an excellent opportunity to gain experience and qualification in presentation training. The events take place before the start of the semester at the Business School Pforzheim as on-site seminars. The activity will either be rewarded through a student assistant contract or, as an alternative to being paid, credited in ECTS credits and recognized with a meaningful certificate.

Get to know your fellow students, the university and the best locations in the city. Organized by the student initiative commeo e.V., the orientation phase (O-Phase) offers plenty of events in the first two to four weeks before the start of the semester - whether it's a meet & greet of the study programs, a university rally to explore the campus or our famous cocktail night to get to know each other in a relaxed atmosphere. Fun and new friendships that last throughout college and beyond are guaranteed. Check your email inbox, the commeo website or the commeo Instagram channel (@commeo_pf) for up-to-date information.

Here you will find information about the most important dates around lecture periods, days off and exam periods at a glance.

You will receive your personalized student ID card during the introductory events or when classes begin at the very latest. The small card is a real all-round talent that enables you to use a wide range of features related to campus life, for example as:

  • student ID (e.g. discounts)
  • a means for cashless payment in the canteen, cafeteria and at the printers
  • library card for borrowing books
  • student ticket for public transportation within the VPE network
  • proof of identity (e.g. for exams)
  • door opener (main entrances and computer rooms)
  • as a means to use the washing machines in the student dormitories

Before use, the ID card must be activated at the university's own printers. To do this, place the card on the designated login area and follow the instructions.

The student ID card must be re-validated each semester as part of the re-registration process. This is done at one of the two terminals in the glassed-in rooms on the first floor of the W1 building. There you can also reload funds for printing.

To recharge your account for cashless payments in the canteen or cafeteria, use the machines in the entrance area of the canteen building or in the W1 building (by the coffee machine). After the meal is served, your student ID card will be scanned at the cashier for debiting.

Using the Autoload function, your student ID card will be automatically refilled at the Mensa/Cafeteria cash registers when your balance is low. Autoload also gives you an overview of your spending. You can find more information at the Studierendenwerk.

You can log into your personal e-mail account online at webmail.hs-pforzheim.de or by using an e-mail client.

  • Login name: fh\yourusername
  • Password: your login password

All official e-mails of the university are sent to this account, e.g. e-mails of the study program, the administration office, the examination office or reminders of the library. It is therefore important that you check your e-mails and empty the mailbox regularly. If your mailbox is full, you will not be able to receive any more e-mails and may miss crucial information for your further study schedule.

Support for configuring mail programs on mobile devices can be found here.

The E-Campus is a protected area within our website where you can find a lot of helpful information about your studies. To access the E-Campus, click on "Login" at the top of the page and log in with your access data, sent to your private e-mail account after enrollment. From there you can access the lecture schedule, the course and learning management system Moodle, the cafeteria schedule and the Studi-Cockpit quickly.

Visit the "IT Service Desk" to find out how to connect to the university network via a VPN installation (which you can use to access the digital library collection, among other things) or how to access internal systems from home. In the associated download area for students, all instructions for IT applications are available in PDF format (e.g. WLAN access at the university). In addition, you will find news, events, information about dates and other useful information gathered on the E-Campus:


Under "Studies", for example:

  • Links that will help you organize your studies
  • Information about counseling centers
  • Download areas


Under "Services", e.g:

  • Direct link to our career platform JOBS&MORE
  • Registration forms and applications
  • Information on IT (see above)


Under "Upgrade" e.g.:

  • Links to certificates
  • Info about the foundation
  • Links to AStA and student initiatives (parties, volunteering, sports, etc.)


Under "Business PF" e.g:

  • Syllabi and module handbooks
  • Learning and working areas on campus
  • Digital tools like Alfaview and MS Teams
E-Campus_Business PF

Experience Pforzheim University

Get involved in the student self-administration, the AStA or in the various numerous initiatives of the university to build a network of contacts and to actively participate in shaping student life in Pforzheim. Take advantage of the Kulturflat, the sports courses and leisure activities (e.g. Goldstadtjagd or Running Dinner) offered by Pforzheim University.

It is also worth taking a look at the Faculty of Design. At the end of each semester's lecture period, the students' works from various study programs is exhibited there. You may go to fashion shows, look at industrial design pieces or jewelry. The Werkschau is a real highlight and allows a unique insight into the creative part of our school. The evenings often end with a get-together at the Design Building's open courtyard.


Experience the city of Pforzheim

Pforzheim may not win any beauty awards, but as we all know, it's the inner values that count, and the city has more to offer than you might think. From interesting museums, leisurely pedal boating on the Enz, getting creative at EMMAs, a visit to the Wildpark, free concerts at the Schlosspark Open Festival, surfing on the blackforestwave, a spectacular view of the Great Barrier Reef at the Gasometer, open-air movies and a spring festival (Pforzhemer Mess) to a Christmas market with an ice rink for skating, there is an exciting cultural program for every season. Check the website of the city of Pforzheim for current events in the city area.

It is also worth exploring our culinary delights and surroundings:

  • Coffee specialties e.g.: Roland, Fräulein Orth, Caphe an der Enz
  • Breakfast variations e.g.: Ozone, Café Damals, Café d'Anvers
  • Drinks e.g.: Roland, Ozon, Lehner's (cocktails dice), Irish Pub (karaoke & quiz night)
  • Walks e.g.: Seehaus, viewpoint Haidach, Enzauenpark, Wallberg (sunset)
  • Field trips e.g.: Tree top walk, thermal bath, Monbachtal, Maulbronn monastery, Tiefer See (deep lake)
  • City trips e.g.: Stuttgart, Karlsruhe, Heidelberg, Freiburg, Strasbourg, Paris (train from Karlsruhe)


Learn more about student life at the Business School Pforzheim.

Stadt Pforzheim
Tiere im Wildpark
Blackforest Wave
Kirche Pforzheim
Stadtplan Pforzheim
Fluss Pforzheim

Are you looking for a room, an apartment or a shared apartment in Pforzheim? The housing market for students is much better positioned than in other university cities and offers numerous options in different price segments.

Every student at Pforzheim University benefits from free bus and train rides in and around Pforzheim. Your student ID serves as a ticket (Studiticket), is strictly personal and non-transferable. If you travel beyond the boundaries of the included tariff zone (VPE network), you will only require a valid ticket from the respective stop at the end of the tariff zone to your destination. Until you receive your student ID, you can use the VPE (Verkehrsverbund Pforzheim-Enzkreis) with your admission letter in combination with your ID card or passport.

In addition, you have the possibility to purchase the Studikarte of the KVV (Karlsruher Verkehrsverbund) and the Anschluss-StudiTicket of the VVS (Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund Stuttgart), if you regularly travel beyond the limits of the VPE network in the direction of Karlsruhe or Stuttgart.


With the D-Ticket JugendBW, students up to the age of 27 can use public transport nationwide for €25.92 per month for an annual subscription (12 direct debits). The ticket is valid seven days a week around the clock and can be used on public transport all over Germany. This includes buses, trams/light rail, suburban trains, local trains (RB, IRE), and the IC trains between Stuttgart and Singen. Please refer to the homepage of the VPE for more information.


For students aged 27 and over, the Deutschlandticket is the cheapest way to use the public transport all over Germany. You can also purchase the Deutschlandticket from the VPE at the discounted price of 44,50€ per month as a subscription. The subscription has a monthly cancellation option and the ticket can be used for journeys on local transport anywhere in Germany. Information and ordering options are available on the VPE website.


The challenge of mastering a study program not only in terms of performance but also financially is often underestimated. We offer detailed information on various scholarships, foundations, funding awards and other funding opportunities on the university's website (navigation in the menu). Please note the award criteria and deadlines.

The Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe provides information and assistance regarding financial support through BAföG. You will also find information on student loans and scholarships.

If you have the time to work while studying, take a look at the job offers on our career platform JOBS&MORE. Also pay attention to advertisements of the Business School for student assistants (Hiwi positions), as these are very compatible with your studies due to a low number of hours. Also use the job board of the Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe and the mini-job postings of AStA.

Jobs&More_Business PF

In the university's online portal, you can download your confirmation of enrollment for the respective semester after successful enrollment/re-registration. You can also apply for a leave of absence or exmatriculation there. If you move during your studies, change your telephone number or private e-mail address, please update the corresponding changes in the system.

In the Studi-Cockpit you can register for exams, view your grades and download exam certificates. The navigation at the top of the page will also take you to the lecture schedule (LSF) or to the online portal for re-registration. 


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