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The MBA went off to its first excursion since almost one year

Back to Pforzheim now… Also our days 3 and 4 of the MBA excursion to Munich have been exciting! Guest talks by Narcisse Benissan-Messan, Business Unit HR Director at Novares Munich, by Cornelia Steven (Board member and founder of Die Umsetzer) and Gautam Regulagadda (Consultant at Die Umsetzer and MBA Alumnus from 2017) and by Sarah Hiltenkamp (Portfolio Manager Digital Processes), Vanessa Lang (Marketing Coordinator Digital Solutions) and Caroline Graf (HR) from MAN Truck & Bus SE gave our MBA students a lot of food for thought. A guided city tour in the center of Munich and a visit of the BMW World rounded off our program here in an excellent manner!
A big thank you to all our guests for taking the time to discuss with our current MBA students! And special thanks to our Pforzheim Alumnus Franz Berno Breitruck (Founder and CEO at attempto) and his team for welcoming the students, Prof. Harald Strotmann and Prof. Markus-Oliver Schwaab, Janina Walther and all our guests for four days at attempto in Munich!

The detailed article about the excursion will follow here shortly. Watch out for it!

text and photos: MBA