Betriebswirtschaft / Nachhaltigkeit und Ressourceneffizienz

To achieve production-related as well as product-related resource efficiency and sustainability industry and consulting companies need experts with ecological and technical method knowledge.
Executives, who understand and talk the language of both sides and are able to prepare and make important decisions, are also needed. The Bachelor’s program Sustainability & Resource Efficiency (BNRE) (former name: Resource Efficiency Management) is a sort of “Technical Business Administration” studies enriched with sustainability aspects. The program combines the classical business education with ecological and technical issues. Graduates can take up the mediation role between management and production in the environmental and production sector.
At a glance
The entry requirement is a higher education entrance qualification. Good English language skills are essential. Non-native speakers must prove sufficient knowledge of German.
If you have further questions regarding our study program or the application procedure, please do not hesitate to contact us: bnre(at)hs-pforzheim(dot)de, Tel.: 0049 7231 28-6408
You will learn the efficient management of energetic and material resources in the production sector, the existing potentials and its meaning for the environment AND the company. You will learn important analyses and evaluation methods that will become highly relevant in business.
In addition to acquiring knowledge in general business administration you will learn to think conceptually, to control processes and to take over leading management functions.
The adequate mixture of theory and practice is the key to success – because only in practice the acquired knowledge can be tested and used!
Very important are the experiences you make during your internship semester and when writing your thesis in a company. We cooperate with many well-known companies.
The students get prepared to manage and shape one of the crucial future tasks of humankind: the adequate, socially responsible and environmentally friendly resources supply of the economy. The students are advised by a young and highly professional team of professors, who are very experienced in science and the operational practice. The program is coordinated by Pforzheim University’s Institute for Industrial Ecology (INEC). The professors also have expertise in current topics of research and practice. Pforzheim University maintains numerous cooperations with other universities and companies. Since the summer semester of 2015 Pforzheim University offers the Master’s program “Life Cycle & Sustainability”, which builds on the Bachelor’s program Resource Efficiency Management. The student initiative “remedy e.V.” additionally offers activities on resource efficiency and sustainability.
If you
- find resource and environmental topics challenging
- have manifold interests
- are interested in technical and ecological questions as well as management issues
- want to deal with resources and environmental topics from the managerial point of view
- like the combination of theory and practice
- want to make a difference later in your professional life
- want to work in an international and dynamic environment with a growing demand of highly-qualified and interdisciplinary professionals
Then join our study program!
Program goals describe the competencies, which every student should have obtained at the end of their studies at Pforzheim Business School. Each one of these goals is outlined by learning outcomes, through which the competency goals are operationalized and become tangible.
You can find the program goals and learning outcomes of the various study programs in the navigation bar.
Goal at degree program level
Students have broad knowledge of theories and their practical application in order to understand business functions and processes. Expert Knowledge
Learning Objective/Outcome
1.1 Students demonstrate their distinguished and sound competencies in General Business Administration.
1.2 Students demonstrate their distinguished and sound competencies in Economics.
1.3 Students have command of legal methodology for case solutions on basis of claims.
1.4 Students are able to solve business problems based on profound data research skills and by applying quantitative methods.
1.5 Students have profound expert knowledge in their field of specialization.
Goal at degree program level
Students are able to use information technology successfully. Digital Skills
Learning Objective/Outcome
2.1 Students know and understand relevant IT software tools used in business and their features and have a solid understanding of digital technologies.
2.2 Students are able to effectively use and apply information systems to develop solutions in business settings.
2.3 Students are able to effectively use digital technologies to interact, to collaborate and to communicate.
2.4 Students handle the professional use of digital technologies in a responsible manner.
Goal at degree program level
Students demonstrate profound analytical and critical thinking skills. Critical Thinking and Analytical Competence
Learning Objective/Outcome
3.1 Students are able to implement adequate methods in a competent manner and to apply them to complex problems.
3.2 Students are able to critically reflect and interpret findings and to develop comprehensive solutions for complex problems.
Goal at degree program level
Students recognize issues and conflicts in the areas of ethics, sustainable development and social responsibility which can arise from economic and business activities and account for them accordingly. Ethical awareness
Learning Objective/Outcome
4 Students are able to develop sound strategies in the area of ethics, sustainable development and social responsibility and are able to apply them to typical economic decision-making problems.
Goal at degree program level
Students are able to express ideas and arguments clearly and convincingly in oral and written communication. Communication and Collaboration Skills
Learning Objective/Outcome
5.1 Students are able to express complex issues effectively in writing.
5.2 Students demonstrate their oral communication skills in presentations.
5.3 Students show that they are able to work succesfully in a team by performing practical tasks.
Goal at degree program level
Students are well-prepared to act successfully in a global business environment. Internationalization
Goal at degree program level
6.1 Students are able to understand and explain busienss challenges in an international context.
6.2 Students demonstrate that they can articulate themselves in a professional manner in international business.
6.3 Students successfully demonstrate awareness of cross-cultural differences.