International Study Program | ISP

Bachelor level business courses offered in English to incoming exchange as well as to German students of Pforzheim University

Yu-En, exchange student from Taiwan for two semesters
“Initially I planned to stay for one semester only. The high quality of education  provided by the professors, the diversity of cultural interaction and the friendly reception of the ISP however were important factors that made me prolong my stay for another  semester. After one year at Pforzheim University, my ability of independent thinking, my German and English language skills have been improved tremendously. I highly recommend  to study in the ISP and experience how wonderful it is here!“
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Dennis, Studiengang BWL/Media Management & Werbepsychologie, Auslandssemester an der Yonsei University in Südkorea
"In den englischsprachigen Vorlesungen an der Business School der Hochschule Pforzheim kam ich in Kontakt mit Internationals, was mir Lust auf ein Auslandssemester gemacht hatte.
Durch diese Veranstaltungen waren alle sprachlichen und inhaltlichen Barrieren abgebaut. Ängste, nicht in den Vorlesungen im Ausland mitzukommen, waren unbegründet."
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