Master Digital Business Management (M.Sc.)

Course Contents

Design digital processes and services and drive businesses forward. Acquire knowledge in Digital Management and IT, Data Analytics and Research Methods as well as Change and Project Management. Apply interdisciplinary skills in Management and IT.

The Digital Management module aims to build up basic knowledge of IT management, digital management and digital platforms. In Modern Sustainable Leadership, students learn about change management and intercultural management. One of the main topics will be the acquisition of know-how in the field of Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics with R to gain new insights through advanced data analysis. The module Agile Project Management and Process Management teaches skills in modern project management and process design with a focus on training with typical software products. The module Research Methods, Algorithms and Data Structures teaches fundamentals in databases and algorithms as well as relevant qualitative and quantitative research methods. The module Digital Business Models deals with the development of new business models and new digital products. In an application-oriented business project, students have to demonstrate their acquired expertise.


Students can develop their individual profile via electives, for example with courses such as Data Science with Python, Big Data Analytics, Supply Chain Simulations, Customer Experience Management, New Digital Work, Predictive Analytics or Dive into new technologies.


In electives, students work in teams with fellow students from other national and international Master's programs at the Business School. Students who wish to further strengthen their international profile also have the opportunity to spend the third semester at a partner university abroad.

Your Advantages

  • Interdisciplinary and comprehensive education in the field of Digital Business Management
  • Close integration of theory and practice, company projects
  • Small groups and personal culture
  • Individual profile development as of the first semester
  • Globally recognized degree
  • Optional semester abroad with quota places at selected partner universities


Digitalization is everywhere in many industries there is a need for the digitalization of companies, business models and working environments. The job opportunities targeted by this study program are to be found in the field of the digital transformation of companies and organizations.


Graduates deal with digitalization projects in companies and design new business models or introduce new processes. In the context of these projects, they are the link between departments within the company and have a high level of interpersonal skills to support the change processes within the company. In the Master's program, you will acquire the following additional competencies:


For successful digitization projects, it is important to have expertise in research methods and data analysis in order to develop a sound understanding of the status quo and future options and thus make the right decisions. Furthermore, it is also important to be able to evaluate how processes and services can be optimized through the use of AI.


In addition, digitization projects require interdisciplinary skills and collaboration across departments. IT concepts must be communicated for a digitalization project - which is why companies are looking for experts who can regoginze and deal with these different perspectives.


The mix of these diverse competencies - in addition to knowledge about relevant data sources and process management, know-how about data analysis, about IT systems, IT management and artificial intelligence, about change management and the legal as well as ethical challenges - equips graduates of the program with the necessary tools to confidently navigate this highly dynamic digital environment and develop reasonable solutions.


The Master's program in Digital Business Management brings together these different perspectives in one of Germany's leading business schools. Students are trained to become professionals for digital transformation projects. Companies are integrated into the training so that a hands-on approach is guaranteed.


You can optionally complete a semester abroad in the 3rd semester at one of our selected partner universities with fixed quota places for the Master in Digital Business Management.

The Program Goal

Responsible Leadership in Organizational Contexts


The Learning Objectives(and the assigned competence goals according to the German KMK Qualification)

After completion of the program the students will be able ...

1.1 ... to demonstrate their sound knowledge of Digital Business Management theories and concepts. (Knowledge Broadening)

1.2 ... to expertly apply Digital Business Management theories and concepts to organizational contexts. (Application and Transfer)

1.3 ... to critically reflect Digital Business Management theories and concepts. (Application and Transfer)

1.4 ... to act responsibly from a scientific self-understanding and professional self-image. (Academic Integrity & Professionalism)

1.5 ... to make ethical decisions in complex organizational contexts. (Academic Integrity & Professionalism)

The Program Goal

Creative Problem Solving Skills in a Complex Business Environment


The Learning Objectives (and the assigned competence goals according to the German KMK Qualification)

After completion of the program the students will be able ...

2.1 ... to identify challenges for Digital Business Management. (Knowledge Comprehension)

2.2 ... to analyze problems of Digital Business Management. (Knowledge Deepening)

2.3 ... to develop and evaluate creative solutions to complex problems of Digital Business Management. (Application and Transfer)

2.4 ... to communicate solutions in the field of Digital Business Management. (Communication and Collaboration)

2.5 ... to utilize digital tools and technologies to solve complex business problems. (Application and Transfer)

The Program Goal

Applied Research Skills


The Learning Objectives (and the assigned competence goals according to the German KMK Qualification)

After completion of the program the students will be able ...

3.1 ... to explain different research methods of Digital Business Management. (Scientific Innovation)

3.2 ... to competently apply relevant research methods of Digital Business Management. (Scientific Innovation)

3.3 ... to generate novel and goal oriented insights for Digital Business Management through empirical research or data analysis. (Scientific Innovation)

3.4 ... to effectively present and discuss research findings in professional settings. (Scientific Innovation)

The Program Goal

Interdisciplinary and agile working


The Learning Objectives (and the assigned competence goals according to the German KMK Qualification)

After completion of the program the students will be able ...

4.1 ... to know the requirements in interdisciplinary teams (e.g. marketing, sales and IT) and to contribute their expertise in Digital Business Management. (Application and Transfer)

4.2 ... to design and manage Digital Business Management projects independently and on their own responsibility. (Communication and Collaboration)

4.3 ... to continuously improve and adapt to emerging digital trends and technologies. (Scientific Innovation)

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The next application process will start 1 May 2025 for Winter Semester 2025/26 intake.

Course Catalogue & Study and Examination Regulation