Study smarter!

Welcome to the student counseling Business PF (formerly: student services)!

Individual. Confidential. Solution-oriented. We take YOUR questions and challenges into focus and advise you on

  • Planning your studies
  • Applying for a third attempt or an extension of study time
  • Studying with an illness or handicap
  • Taking parental or nursing care leave and planning your studies further on
  • Strategies to study successfully

Beyond our counseling services, we try to give you the best possible support for your studies. With "How to Study" we offer you courses like time management, key skills, learning techniques or motivation and interesting lectures in cooperation with external partners.

Also, we offer a platform to search, find or set up a peer-learning group in Moodle. Start now!

Becoming courios? More information about us, our services and how get an appointment you can find in your e-Campus ("Student Counseling Business PF"). In addition, please check also the Q&A's (FAQ Prüfungsfragen) and take a look at student counseling at Pforzheim university, if you want to get an overview in general about the information and counseling services at Pforzheim University.

Your student counselors Business PF