Module Handbooks, Syllabi and Study and Examination Regulations
Module Handbooks
A module handbook contains a description of all relevant modules for a program. These include information about examination regulations. Program goals, content or literature references.
Each curriculum consists of various modules, which are conclusive content-wise, coordinated in terms of time and which have the objective to convey the defined competencies and content.
The module descriptions are standardized descriptions, which set the framework for a module and its enclosing courses.
Study and Examination Regulations
The Study and Examination Regulations (SPO) are the regulations that give structure to our study programs.
At Pforzheim University, these are divided into two main parts. The first part (the so-called general part of the Bachelor's and Master's degree programs) includes basic regulations for the entire university. The second part (appendices) refers to the concrete study contents of the respective study program. There you can find, among other things, the type of examination, the duration of the examination as well as the relevant examination semester for the individual courses.