Audit Committees

The audit committee of the Faculty of Business and Law (PA W&R) is an audit body as outlined in the study and examination regulations (StuPO). The PA W&R intents to make its decisions on the basis of the StuPO and the higher education law of the state in a way that the circumstances of each case are taken into consideration the best way possible, while ensuring equal opportunities for all students. 

Do you have questions about exams and the study and examination regulations? Have a look at the FAQ here!

If you are experiencing difficulties in your studies and mental problems, you can contact the psychotherapeutic student counseling center of the Studentenwerk Karlsruhe (PBS).

The main tasks are defined in § 30 StuPO. They include:

  • decisions on extensions of study periods (§ 35 StuPO)
  • decisions on third (last) attempts (§ 34 StuPO), which are not to be decided ex officio through the examination office
  • decisions on binding study agreements (§ 37 StuPO)
  • statements concerning contradictions in the mentioned decisions
  • decisions regarding special arrangements for the disabled in accordance with § 42 StuPO

Academic dean of the faculty and chairman of the PA W&R

Prof. Dr. Robert Nothhelfer

Director of the examination office

Prof. Dr. Susanne Schmidtmeier

Additional professors

Prof. Dr. Kerstin Bremser
Prof. Werner Burkard
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Eidel
Prof. Dr. Andreas Willburger

Additional staff

Jens Zagola

Legal department with advisory vote

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