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MBA Class of 2021 back on campus to celebrate their graduation

On Friday we were able to welcome our graduates from the MBA class of 2021 on campus to celebrate their great achievement. Congratulations to all our former students who graduated from the MBA International Management program at Pforzheim University!
Together we recalled two years of studies that due to Covid-19 had to take place online over longer periods. It was a challenging time for the students as well as for faculty and staff. And yet, it was impressive to see how the MBA students dealt with this unexpected situation, supported each other, grew together as a group and made the best of the situation.
Hard work, the acquisition of essential soft and hard skills, inspiring encounters within the `Guest in Classroom´ or `Alumni meet current Students´ series, lots of networking, intercultural experiences within the batch, memorable excursions, informal events and many unforgettable moments have characterized the two years of studies in the MBA.
After welcoming the students, their guests (some of them even came the long way from India) and MBA professors, Prof. Dr. Harald Strotmann, program director of the MBA International Management reviewed the past two years, before handing over the official MBA certificates and transcripts together with the traditional MBA mugs, that are showing the individual pictures of all students of the class of 2021.
The photo shoot during which the graduates throw their hats in the air was, as usual, a popular highlight of this graduates' farewell ceremony. With photos from the past two years of study and a quiz in which the graduates were divided into two groups and had to answer not only questions from past lessons but also about the MBA program, the university and Pforzheim were further highlight before everyone toasted to their graduation.  
The graduation ended with a joint dinner at the Alte Pfarrhaus in Brötzingen, where the new alumni and their guests, the professors and MBA staff could catch up with each other.

Dear new MBA alumni,
It was a real pleasure having you with us in our MBA program and to watch how you were growing personally and professionally during the course of your studies!
All the best for you, good success for your professional future and KEEP IN TOUCH!  
Your MBA Team    

Text and pictures: MBA

all participants complied with the 3G regulations