The HR Forum

Welcome to the HR Forum of Business School Pforzheim!

Idea and approach

The HR Forum is set up as a practice-oriented series of events on current topics in Human Resources Management. Company representatives, students and professors from the Human Resources Management (Bachelor's) and Human Resources Management (Master's) study programs at Business School Pforzheim come together to take an in-depth look at the challenges that modern Human Resources Management faces.

The content of the forum events ranges from labor law, employee management, personnel marketing, personnel and organizational development to personnel management in Industry 4.0 and processes/structures of the personnel department. Speakers are mostly HR managers from companies who report on good practice examples, proven labor law experts and occasionally also university lecturers who discuss innovative developments in HR management. This professional exchange is supplemented by contributions from external experts on key topics.

The members and addressees of the HR Forum are professionals from all areas of HR management. The HR Forum at Business School Pforzheim has now existed for 30 years with thousands of participants attending the individual events. The objective is a permanent and mutual knowledge transfer between all participants for the further professionalization of HR work.