Faculty Council

According to § 25 LHG the faculty council advises the Faculty/Business School on all matter of fundamental importance. It takes a stand on appointment proposals, unless the basic order according to § 48 paragraph 4 sentence 7 provides further participation rights. The faculty council gives its consent to:

  1. structure and development plans of the faculty
  2. the formation, alteration and cancellation of institutions of the faculty,
  3. the study and examination regulations of the faculty; the approval requires the consent of the respective study commission.


Dean Professor Dr. Thomas Cleff
Vice and deputy dean Professor Dr. Harald Strotmann
Vice dean Professor Dr. Markus-Oliver Schwaab
Vice dean Professorin Dr. Simone Huck-Sandhu
Academic dean Professor Dr. Robert Nothhelfer


Prof. Dr. Bremser
Prof. Dr. Eichner
Prof. Dr. Föhl
Prof. Dr. Foschiani
Prof. Dr. Häfele
Prof. Naderer
Prof. Dr. Sander
Prof. Dr. Thäle
Prof. Dr. Walter
Prof. Dr. Willburger
Prof. Dr. Wüst


Brigitte Burkart
Bettina Dietz
Jochen Ebert
Tanja Solombrino


Azize Ercin
Hannah Fritz
Paul Günther
Verena Siudek
Naomi Weimer

Representative of the Student Council (with advisory vote):

Paul Belousow